Keyless Locks Blog Post, Magnetic Digital Agency

A particularly frustrating morning, and a week's experience with a couple gimmicky iPhone apps provided inspiration for this post I made to the Magnetic Digital Agency blog.


I've been excited to see a new breed of locks designed to work around people like me, making our lives easier. These range from the keyless ignition in cars, which work from an RFID chip installed in the key or its fob, to the new app, Knock, which just keeps you from needing to plug in your computer password on newer Macs.

Like Knock, there's also the Goji smart home lock, and the Bitlock bike lock. All three are using the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol to - essentially - inform the lock that you're nearby and let you in without having to dig through your keychain - and they can let you loan access to certain people you choose.

Like any proud member of my generation, the one thing I very rarely forget is my phone. Even then, I'm not perfect - last night, I accidentally sent it home with a friend who gave me a ride to dinner. If I'd had these locks installed everywhere, I'm not sure I'd be able to recover - I was able to message my friend about the phone over Facebook, once I got into my house, because my roommate was home, and Knock still let me enter my computer password manually.

Read the full post here, if you'd like.

"One Weird Trick" Blog Post, Magnetic Digital Agency

A post, for Magnetic Digital Agency, about honesty in clickbait titles.


You've probably seen the "9 Out Of 10 Americans Are Completely Wrong About This Mind-Blowing Fact" post, which, while the teaser image is a shot of Morpheus and Neo from The Matrix, is all about economic disparity. I've also seen the same post on Buzzfeed with any number of other titles.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't talk about those things. I'm not saying that we can't write compelling headlines about them. I'm not even talking about my own reaction to the politics.

I am saying that if we want to talk about potentially divisive (or potentially boring) subjects, we shouldn't couch them in bland, non-descriptive titles. 9 out of 10 Americans could just as easily be wrong about economics as about whether the Platypus is the only mammal that lays eggs. (It's not; there's also the Echidna.)

While you might initially draw eyeballs to your post, it is dishonest to couch your content in terms that hide what's in store for the reader. And it certainly doesn't draw the eyes of people who are looking for what you have to offer.

Read the full post here. Or rant. Whatever you want to call it.

"Brain Hacks" Blog Post, Magnetic Digital Agency

One of my responsibilities as an employee at Magnetic Digital Agency was to write blog content for their new website. 

I wasn't given much more direction than that. As a result, when I was thinking about artificial synesthesia one day, this is what happened.


When I was a kid, I associated songs with colors. I'm pretty sure the fact that "Stairway to Heaven" sounded tan to me was entirely due to the plaster-looking background on the Led Zeppelin IV album cover. However, I made a friend in middle school who had experiences that were harder to account for. 

This kid, when he was taking piano lessons, began to see colors with each note of the scales he had to practice. I tried to understand it as best I could - I thought maybe he was doing the same thing I do - maybe thinking about a picture or a music video when he played a song, but he was insistent: every note had a color, and he heard that note when he saw that color in a large enough swath.

He had synesthesia, a condition/ability that blends senses in a way that - quite honestly - I've always envied. 


Can the rest of us experience any of this? Can we hear colors or taste texture? 

It's well-known that smell plays a large part in our sense of taste, but certain foods, such as the sansho pepper, approach the gap between taste and touch. Sansho peppers do this by including a chemical that causes the tongue to feel as though it's experiencing a mild electrical current. The effect is eerily close to that of licking a 9-volt battery.

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"Apple Thinks the World is Flat" blog post, Magnetic Digital Agency

While working part-time at Magnetic Digital Agency, one of my tasks was to create content for the blog on their shiny new website.

Here's an excerpt from one:

"Apple Thinks the World is Flat: Here's Why We Agree."

Flat design allows Apple to more easily adapt their software's appearance to new applications. While the iWatch and the iCar are still mere rumors, Apple has made several changes to their screens' size and dimensions. 

Whether it was making the iPhone 5 taller than the iPhone 4S, or introducing the iPad and iPad mini, app developers have had to jump through several hoops to make their work look as good as possible on as many devices as possible. Flat design makes it easier.

This is a lesson we've learned, too, as web designers. More and more web traffic is coming from mobile devices - both smartphones and tablets - with more devices and screen resolutions appearing every day. 

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